HOTEL IL CAVALIER D'ARPINO Via Vittoria Colonna, 21 Arpino (FR) Tel. (+39) 0776 849348 Email: CIN IT060010A1RVIQJ7JJ

Archeological itinerary

Civitavecchia was probably the original nucleus of the primitive settlement by the Volsci (people of the VII-VI century BC.), founded for defense, in pursuit of a lofty and precipitous position, and then surrounded by walls.
The magnificence of these walls gave rise, via popular imagination, to the names Pelasgic (in memory of the pre-Hellenic, mythical Pelasgians) or Cyclopean (The Homeric giants) to describe the walls.
However, it is more appropriate to call this type of walls “polygonal” after the shape of the huge rocks.
The walls reached an original extension of 3km, but today there are about 1.5 km of walls, in some places incorporated into homes.


The Pointed Arch of Arpino, archaic entrance to the Acropolis, recalls in a decisive manner the construction systems of the galleries of Tiryns and Mycenae.
This magnificent monument dates back to the fourth century BC. A megalithic gateway, unique in the world because of its shape, it is 4.2 metres high and consists of overlapping blocks that taper towards the top, cut diagonally on the inside.
In medieval times it was closed in a semicircular rampart, which is now half-demolished.


Alatri is an ancient Ernici town which, according to legend, was founded by Saturn.
Amongst the centres in The Ciociaria, it is one of the richest in history.
The fascinating Acropolis (6th century BC) is one of the most perfect and well-preserved Cyclopean wall complexes in Italy.
In the highest part of the town rises the Cathedral with its imposing 17th century façade.
Of notable artistic merit is the Gothic Romanesque Church of St. Maria Maggiore with its central rose window, as well as the 18th century Church of St. Maria degli Scopoli , the medieval Conti Gentili Palace, the Gottifredo 13th century Gothic style Palace, now the location of the Civic Museum, the Romanesque Church of St. Francis with its wonderful 15th century frescoes and, outside the city, the 6th century Abbey of St. Sebastian.

ferentino2FERENTINO-ACROPOLI (Km 35)

Ferentino, a town of ancient origin founded by the Ernici people, boasts megalithic walls approximately two kilometres long with twelve gateways.
The ancient and imposing polygonal Acropolis dominates the town.
An 1th century Romanesque cathedral is situated in the mail square together with the 13th century Bishop’s Palace.
A short distance away is a Roman Market of the Republican era, and the Knight’s Palace.
Particularly beautiful is the Church of S.Maria Maggiore, an early example of Italian Cirercian architecture(1550), and the Romanesque Church of S.Antony Abbot which, for a time, contained the remains of Pope Celestin V, whose tombstone can still be seen.

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